trying to get out of responsibility


I went to talk to the d. a. about charges being pressed on my neighbor who raped me, Justin cradure, when I was 15 and he was 27. the d. a. said he will want to take a plea and I can decide whether its felony probation for a certain amount of years without going on the sex offender registry or he can go on the registry for 15 years. the d.a. said he most likely wouldn't go for the plea with him on the registry, but I feel like he gets away with everything if he doesn't go on the registry. this has only been 2 years on January 29th and I've been dealing with a lot of emotional and physical pain since it happened. he's tried to get people to say he would never do it but admitted it to a friend of his who is also a neighbor and I don't think it is fair if he doesn't have to register. he has caused me so much pain and it ruined my family especially with my older sister who hasn't talked to me since that night it happened and hrs trying to get away with it all. someone help I needadvice.