Kinda long but I wanted to share my story


I’m 37 weeks tomorrow. I have my induction date, nursery set up, clothes washed and organized....

I never thought I would have children. I was so worried that at my size it would be difficult. I am five foot four and three hundred pounds. The first four months I was in constant panic; I was so sure I was going to loose the baby. But here I am! And she’s healthy, active and perfectly on target size and growth wise.

I am in a specialized program at a hospital in Toronto that deals with high BMI moms to be. I feel so well taken care of.

Pregnancy has been tough. My body is done, tired and sore. I have been going for physiotherapy and massage therapy for the last two months. I’m on light duties at work (thankfully I work in a special needs classroom with amazing co workers and students) and typically am in bed by 7:30 pm. Driving hurts, sitting hurts, standing hurts. But I’m still doing it! I’m holding out for this coming Friday, my last day of work. I look forward to rest and relaxation for a few days before I’m induced. Being larger has greatly impacted me during this pregnancy for sure. I have lost weight (about 14 pounds) but the last two weeks have gained a little back. My diet is very small, my stomach is pretty damn constricted right now.

My belly didn’t pop really until recently. At 24 weeks I noticed a small bump, slowly grew and grew. Since 33 weeks my belly is large and in charge! I have a B belly so the top looks so cute and round...then there’s a dip then more belly! I feel my little bean move so much during the day, something i didn’t know I would be able to experience. I was told by so many that “you’re big you probably won’t feel much movement”. Yeah okay; I don’t sleep most nights because she’s having a dance party in my belly!

Being big and pregnant is a challenge. I didn’t look pregnant for a long time. When I finally started to only those who knew I was could tell. My self esteem dropped because my clothes stopped fitting the way I liked them too. I am tired and sore, very different from my usually high energy, go go go life style. This pregnancy has been a huge learning experience for me. And I hope that everyone else who is plus size, big, high BMI whatever has a safe and happy pregnancy.

Pic because it makes me laugh every time