
Jessica • 24. not TTC. i have a boyfriend❤️.

im now taking Introvale but anyways the mgs are the same for literally birth control ever. ugh. so its 0.15 mg/0.03mg for Introvale. i think pills just despise me, because if im an hour or two late its like oh well your bleeding now. so im thinking i have to go back to my doctor in January to see how this birth control is working so maybe the benefits outweigh the risks but i think i should go on the Depo-Provera shot because then i have hormones in me all the time. and oh since im bleeding now on the 8th week do you think i should continue my bc or stop it for 7 days then continue because literally i will bleed until i am on my placbo pills😫😫😫😫😫😫😫 which isnt until January😫😫😫 please help me😫😫 i really need advice😭😭