Baby fever!!!

So a few of my family members have announced that they are pregnant and even my best friend has announced that she's pregnant for the fourth time, and everyone is beginning to ask me when am I going to start. I have no response to give them. Secretly, I have been trying for a few months. I have the clear from my doctor that everything is fine. I'm very healthy he says. My boyfriend is totally excited about the idea of us having a baby. I'm not jealous of everyone around me announcing their pregnancies, but I am feeling a tiny pinch of sadness. I heard this talk about me having a baby daily. I'm a person who has a very normal period so I don't think that the issue. Maybe I have to get a better understanding of when my body is fertile. I've been preventing this for a long time and now that I'm old enough, mature enough, financially stable, and etc. long story short, I am so READY!!!!!