Tried everything (pics) and after 5 years 😭 ......

Amy • Married 7/4/11, 3 girls on Earth and 1 boy in Heaven…had our first daughter 💖 12/31/11, Surrogate mother x2 (girl 💖and then b/g 💙💖twins!), second daughter 💖 8/22/18, third child- our son 💙 in heaven 10/16/19, rainbow baby girl 3/5/21 💖 due again 6/1/22 fi

We started trying 5 years ago when our first daughter was 10 months old. After 2 years we decided to do a surrogacy (help a family and maybe get my body into gear?). I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and the parents were over the moon. My husband and I tried again for our second for about 4 months and just decided to do another surrogacy because it was an amazing experience and I was worried that we would need fertility help ourselves, which we couldn't afford so we went ahead and did the second surrogacy to save up money for our own fertility help as well. I gave birth to boy/girl twins at 36w5d, healthy, no nicu!! Now it's been 6 months and we just went through my first cycle using clomid.... and it worked! 😭 We are finally pregnant with our second child... still so early, all prayers, positive vibes and love is welcome here!! I'm 30 so I'm hope, hope, hoping that we can have at least 1 more of our own (I've always wanted 4).

Opks, Bluetooth thermometer, Ovlulation Saliva test, Fertilaid for men and for women, Ovaboost, tons of doctor approved Vitamins, pre seed, soft cups, and then Clomid this one time around

(This isn't even close half of the opks and preg tests I've used, kind of embarrassing!)

I can't believe my eyes... these aren't evaps- I'M PREGNANT WITH OUR BABY! I can't wait to meet you 😊🤞🙏❤️

Good luck to everyone trying, I've had many tears wanting our second baby... It's been so hard waiting but here it is, now just have to pray hard that this baby grows into a healthy 👶

Good luck everyone 💕