1st time positive! Help!

Af was due between the 11th-15th of December. I’ve gotten faint positives!! One pink dye & 2 blue dye. The first blue dye is a lot more noticeable then the 2nd blue dye I took this morning. I’m curious WHY my lines are not getting darker?? I’ve had nauseous waves the last 3 days, puked last night and this morning. Boobs are huge/very sore. Hungry all the time. But yet, nothing sounds good and when I do eat sometimes its gross and some reason my mouth rejects it haha No period pain, just tingles or weird feelings down in my hips/vagina/abdomen area. Been EMOTIONAL as F***! I think I ovulated the 1st of December, maybe the 30th of November.

What I’m asking is what I should do!?! My friend says I should not go get a blood test till I get a better positive! Not sure why she says that?

Either way, what would you ladies do!?!?😍😍