How did you know you were ready to try for a baby??

I'm 28 and my husband is 32.,. For the last year we go back and forth about TTC. In my head my "wants" seed to always outweigh my "need" for a baby... traveling is a #1, but then it's buying a house, saving more $, etc. I just dont have that "empty" or something is missing feeling with my husband, it is just he and I and I'm so content. Did you feel this way? Is it normal? I have one ovary and just had surgery and DR said to TTC soon(whatever that means) because I had such a large mass and had to get my ovary removed and could get another mass and go into menopause early. I hate feeling pressured on something that might happen. any advice ? Did you have a moment you were like yep, let's have a baby?? Or was it just let's try and see what happens??