Dear anon

Dear anonymous,

This is something I sometimes am curious about but overall not that bothered by to actually ask you, but I feel like if I write this out then I’ll stop wondering altogether.

We use to hate each other for no reason at all. Then as we got older and upgraded to middle school, I grew out of being bitch (finally) but u took this opportunity to sometimes bully me and I was ok with it as a did deserve it.

Fast forward to high school and we’re cool with each other now but don’t really talk. We bumped into each other once at the end of last year and had a conversation for the first time in a year or so. Then summer came and all of a sudden u ask me out and it was super out of the blue. I let u down easy and said I liked someone else and it was all cool. And over the course of about 6 months, we finally stopped talking to each other bc 2 months after asking me out, u asked out someone else and they said yes. Now, I never had a problem with that but I could tell u were desperate to get a gf b4 school started and u were rushing a lot of things (like asking me out a week into when we started talking again).

Anyways my point is, did u ever even like me? We’re u that desperate or did u genuinely like me? And why would u not talk to me at school? Ik it was a two way street but I figured you’d eventually be the first to break the silence but neither of us did so everything got awkward. Even more awkward is that every time we r in the same room and ur with ur friends, ur friends all look at me, say something to u to make u turn around and face me and then u get all shy and try to leave. Sooo... wtf does that even mean? R they making fun of me? Or u?

I truly don’t care that much but when those encounters happen it just brings this all up in my head. And I’d like answers or at least for it all to stop cuz it’s annoying not knowing. And I get embarrassed cuz I feel like there’s something wrong with me.