Congenital heart disease


Hi everyone I’ve seen a lot of ladies on here with babies with CHD,

My little girl is 4 months and has .

Atrioventricular septal defect

2. Moderate atrioventricular valve regurgitation

3. Double outlet right ventricle with aorta anterior and to the right,

4. Pulmonary valve overriding the ventricular septal defect

Just wanted to know anyone that has similar conditions and how it worked out!

We have been seeing heart specialist and have been told she will need operations but not been told when or what needs to be done!

When I was pregnant her survival rate wasn’t very good however that has now changed and she’s doing okay with her stats in the low 80’s

However I have noticed that’s she’s getting very tired and wanted at least 5 naps in the day and going to bed by 10 and not waking till 9AM!

I’m very nervous and anxious about this all and I was wondering whether other parents have been through something similar!