Blood clots?


Hey all! So my period was 5 days late. When I did get it(on day 4 now) it was HEAVY. Typically I’m heavy on day 2 and 3 only. Not only that, but I’ve had 4 golf ball(a little lager even) sized blood clots. I typically get small ones but only on day 2. Never this many and this large. I’m anemic so I usually get pale, fatigued and nauseas while on my period. This time, it’s magnified, along with dizziness and migraines. I take an iron pill a day during my period, I’ve been taking 4 a day since this one and a lot of pain meds, because like I said, every symptom has been so much more intense this time. This has been the worst period I’ve ever had(and I’ve had two kids.) I called my gyno and spoke to the after hours on call doctor but they didn’t help much. I’m going to call my gyno tomorrow to see if she can see me. Has anyone ever had large blood clots? I keep looking it up and seeing numerous things, one being miscarriage so I’m just curious.