
Hey girls! I’m J, 20 yrs old

I’ve had this on the back of my head for a while now... and I didn’t want to think much of it because i didn’t wanna scare myself but it’s something that’s going to have to come out sooner or later.

Ok so, my period is irregular. I get it one month and then i might not get again till the next next month and so on, sometimes I do get them back to back but then it’s irregular again. And the don’t last a few week, the last about 3-4 days. Me and my husband have unprotected sex all the time, we’re not trying to get pregnant but if it happens then it happens. He’s finished inside of me a few times actually. And even though we’re not trying to get pregnant, I honestly thought I would be by now, because of how many times he’s finished inside of me. I️ don’t want to jump and go into conclusions on maybe I can’t have kids. Maybe I’m not fertilizing when we have sex?? Or maybe it’s harder for me to get pregnant because of my irregular periods?

I would like to hear any thoughts you guys might have or there’s maybe girls in my situation?

Thank you girls! Xox