Now he changes his mind

I'm recently 32. I have been married for a year and a half. We've been together for 6 years total.

I'm to the point where I want to expand my family with the addition of a baby. My husband knew I wanted children since before were got married.

I've been asking him for the "go ahead" to go off bc and see what happens. For the first time in months I got an answer from him.

He said "I'll never be 100% ready to say yes let's do the baby thing " I figured that just meant he wasn't ready right now for it.

That was about a month ago.

Last night I was looking at my Christmas list which at the top had a baby. My husband saw me looking at and proceeded to tell me:

"If it's really your goal to have a baby, then you may want to find someone else. I don't want to hold you back form anything you want that badly. " then he left for work.

I spent the rest of the night crying. I don't know what I should do.

Edit: he is not sterile, he wants nothing to do with children. He claims he doesn't want tho give up his lifestyle or be financially burdened by a child.