period tips/life hacks!

n i c o l e • fourteen / australian / female

just thought i could put this out there for girls/women who have their period, new to it or not. :)

1. if you attend school (like me), get a pencil case or make up bag you don’t use and put pads, tampons etc and anything else you think should be in there. mine has pads, tampons, panty liners, hand sanitizer, a mini roll on perfume bottle and deodorant.

2. don’t have a place to store all your period related things? buy a container with a lid (it can be clear or not, it’s up to you) and put everything you need in there. a little bonus with this is you can store dark chocolate in there and have a piece when you’re really craving chocolate, plus since it’s dark chocolate it helps cramps!

3. have a stain on some undies or clothes? mix a 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide with 3/4 of a cup of water. you can pour this on the stain and let it soak the stained area in the solution before washing regularly.

4. bananas can help relieve headaches, depression, period cramps and assist with hangovers! plus, they taste pretty good.

5. if you have dry skin during your period, use a foams based cleanser and switch to a lighter moisturiser if you can.

6. during your period, avoid smoking, salty and sugary foods, caffeine and alcohol. make sure you do light exercise to help stop cramps, get at least 8 hours of sleep, try yoga out and relax.

7. to help ease pain from cramps, use a heat to help. have a soak in a hot bath, shower with warm water or you could use a heat pack.

8. nervous you’re gonna leak during the night? keep an old towel under your bed and pull it out during your period and lay it on your bed, where your hips are so you will leak onto the towel instead of your sheets!

9. wear bikini bottoms when you’re on your period so incase you do leak it’s much easier to wash the stain out than regular underwear.

10. to have a little fun during your period (especially when your moody) a fun way to make yourself feel better is to say (or shout if you’re home alone or with someone you trust) “RELOADING!” when you change your pad, tampon or menstrual cup. it’s super funny to be honest.

let me know if you guys want a part two to this list!