First appointment, bad history


So according to this app and other apps I'm am currently 6.5 weeks along. We lost a baby in July. With no judgment please, I had an abortion in November of last year before me and my SO had gotten back together after some years apart as well as I had a previous miscarriage the November prior to the abortion. When I was younger I had 2 miscarriages. I currently have 3 living children (13, 10, and 5). All of those children were born around 37 weeks. I have also had a leap procedure done back in 2005 so my body has been through it. Both recent miscarriages have been early (under 12 weeks). I had suffered on and off bleeding and many hospital visits. This pregnancy scares me and I'm trying to keep faith. So far, by Gods grace, I have had not even one drop of pink spotting, full breasts, nauseous moments, lower back aches (not horrible) and mild cramping. Also I on and off will feel almost like a burning feeling in my side like stretching. I'm trying not to worry cause it doesn't seem like anything troubling compared to what I've felt before. My control lines are getting lighter and my result line is sooooo much darker in which I heard is a really good thing. Doc appointment is on the 27th with a NP. Do you think with my history they will do a dating scan even if I'm not meeting with the doc? My SO and I are so nervous and trying to stay positive. Sorry for the long post.