Midwife rant!


So today was my last midwife appointment, she made me wait over 50 minutes past my app time and didn't even tell me she was running late I had to go ask the receptionist twice what was happening! Then I get in the room and is a diff midwife to my normal one...🤔

She tells me my BP is ever so slightly higher than usual.... and I mentioned I felt dizzy but could be due to sitting in one position for an hour waiting for her and also haven't eat a lot today... so she tells me to head over to the hospital.

Well my car insurance was about to run out as I did a daily one for the appointment so I didn't end up going ....

Baby is moving A LOT today I am 39+1 week

Should I have gone or was she being ott? She didn't check if was dilated or anything and told me I can be due anytime between now and 12 days over due date

I was so disappointed with this appointment!

Any advice ????