
Okay. This is getting pretty ridiculous!!!! Every night I spend between one to two hours trying to put my 10 weeks old to sleep. Once he is asleep he will remain asleep at night (thank goodness!!!) but it’s the first time falling asleep that is really difficult.

Tonight I started at 9 pm... it’s 3 am and he HASNT SLEPT AT ALL!!! I’m exhausted, about to cry and desperate for him to sleep. I gave up and tried nursing him to sleep, cuddling him to sleep, I even put him on his electric swing for an hour (which generally makes him sleep in like 10 minutes) and NOTHING he will kind of sleep for less than 15 minutes and then he will be up again.

Right now I have him breastfeeding for what seems like HOURS! And I’m stopping to write this post and he is fussing because he wants to get back at it. He is in the best mood, laughing, smiling and babbling, he just doesn’t want to sleep and I don’t know for how much longer I can do this 😔

Help please! What’s wrong with my little boy?? Why won’t he sleep tonight?? And do you have any tricks to make him sleep??