

I just need to vent. My MIL out of the blue asked/demanded if i can pick her up from the airport the day after xmas because she is visiting my SIL in NC. I have a 14 month old that HATES car rides. The airport is an hour and 10 minutes from my house one way, then waiting to pick her up , then dropping her off at her house, then back to my house. Basically most of the day wasted traveling. So after considering all of this I politely declined and told her my son really can't sit that long in the car. (Would he survive? Yes, but do I really want to subject both of us to that when she could find someone else?) also gas $$$$. Im laid off right now and the women makes five times as much money as me. she let me have an earful and made me feel so guilty. Telling me I guess you will never be taking family car trips then? Making me feel guilty for any favors she ever gave me. But is it really fair to demand someone pick you up? My husband stood up for me but I'm afraid this relationship with my MIL will never be fully repaired. Frankly I'm tired of kissing her ass and walking on eggshells for fear of upsetting her. End rant.