Help please 😩😩

Im honestly having an emotional breakdown right now and I really just cant deal😭 I experience very bad PMS symptoms the week before my period and also very bad hormonal problems during my period. Recently its been almost all month, like right now i don't get my period for over two weeks and im having hormonal caused emotions. I also have issues with having a "small vagina" my gyno said so I cant use tampons and have never actually been able to put one up there because it hurts so much. This just makes my period so much more afwul and im already stressing about getting it. Idk it just seems like its ruining my life right now, which ik is overexaggerating but its how I feel. I want to get on birth control to help with my hormones and acne, but also so I can control and/or stop my period. I know the depo shot can stop your period after about 6 months, but im not sure if it has any hormonal attributes that could help my emotions. Also ik there can be spotting and bleeding and that for some ppl it might not go away, and with my luck thats probably me. I would rather take a pill so i can just skip my period, but i dont want a lot of side effects. I really need help guys my main concern is to just be able to stop myself from bleeding each month. Im sorry im not that educated on birth control ive never been on it so please dont be rude. ❤Thanks for reading.