would just like to share my story.


so I've always had very irregular and very light periods. like I would go months without getting it then I would BARLEY bleed. like not even a light tampon in 8 hours.. and I always had really hairy arms and legs. I was bullied brutally for my hairyness. well after I had my daughter I started to grow facial hair and strange body hair. down the center of my chest around my nipples and down my stomach. well now my facial hair has gotten so bad that I have to shave daily. I get 5 o'clock shadow... and the rest of the hair I have to shave every second day or it's bush woman. I also started getting cysts on my ovaries. I went from 125 to 160 lbs in 2 months and also have cysts on my cervix. my periods are so painful I'm literally bed bound. the pain makes me nauseas. but like I said I BARLEY bleed. and my periods are short. only a few days. all of this is just so frustrating. I feel like a man with the amount of hair I grow and I HATE it... I feel so disgusting. and the pain from the cysts is retarted. pcos sucks ass.