Worried (sorry fo the length)

Brianna • Mama of 2 w/ #3 on the way

So I had my first appointment Nov 8 I think. & I was sooo excited because we also got to have an ultrasound ☺️ ( I was about 8 weeks along). So we get in the ultrasound sound room & the doctor wants to do the one where the put the wand in you 😅 ( I can’t remember the proper name for it lol). He couldn’t find anything. Like there was a blank screen & he’s just moving it around in there all the while asking me if it was normal for me to miss periods months at a time ( hell no 😒) & if I had gone to the emergency room for any reason & when did I get a positive test result for pregnancy.. all of which was just making me slightly angry and worried as f*ck. The nurse finally confirms a positive result on the test they took with my cup pee (lol) & he switches to the other wand to use on my belly.. well under my belly.. y’all get what I’m saying. So low and behold! After a 15 second search we FINALLY get a peek at this mischievous little bean ❤️ Doc said it must be because of my c section with my son that cause the baby to be pushed in a weird position or whatever. Baby was measuring right on target, maybe like a day or 2 behind but that’s ok. We saw the little heart just flickering away (well me and the doc did.. my bf was missing a contact at the time so he was half blind lol) but because he was having a difficult time just getting the angle right to even see the baby the doc couldn’t get a read on what the heartbeat was & we couldn’t hear it. Fast forward to my next appointment Dec. 6 (my bday 🎉) another doc checks to see if we can hear the heartbeat. They couldn’t find it. Now I know it’s supposed to be normal to not be able to hear it this early ( at least that’s what all the apps and the doctor say.. plus I am a fluffy girl) but I was able to here my son’s heartbeat at only 8 weeks. I just really don’t want this to be like my first pregnancy ( my son was my second, this is my third) where we couldn’t hear the heartbeat at my 9 week appt only to come back at 13 weeks to find that my baby had stopped growing a day or so after my appointment.. ( to be fair I had had some bleeding and cramping and went to the er but they did a ultrasound where the nurse rudely wouldn’t let me see anything 😒 & sent me home saying the baby was okay and “recommended “ 3 days of bed rest for which I was not given anything to give my work to justify). Bottom line I’m just worried y’all.. I do still feel pregnant I guess & sometimes I think I feel flutters (which my doc thinks is a very good sign), I also have had no bleeding or cramping beyond mild hip or pelvic pain ( not enough to cripple but enough to let me know something different is going on) so I’m trying to stay hopeful. My next appt is Jan 2. We’re going to do genetic testing & doc said we should definitely be able to hear heartbeat by then. Am I just worrying to much ? ( please be nice if you think so.. no need for rude comments)