Birth Story!


I vaginally delivered my baby boy at exactly 41 weeks. I was induced using pitocin. I was against being induced but since 35 weeks I had severe back spasms that would cause unproductive contractions. technically we went in Thursday night/ Friday morning at 1am because I was having yet another episode and they can last up to 10 hours and I was hoping to be well rested for my planned induction at 6am. we were brought to our labor and delivery room right away since I was already scheduled for one and after I was hooked up to an IV I was given pain meds to calm my back down and allow me to get some shut eye before the marathon I was about to go through that day. around 4:30 they started pitocin and only 10 minutes in my baby's heart rate falls rapidly and he isn't showing up on the monitors. 3 nurses fly in, lay me on my left and put an oxygen mask on me. baby's heart rate picked back up and after 30 minutes or so we start the pitocin once more. around 8am my doctor comes in and breaks my water. this was super weird! it was a constant trickle with random gushes here and there. it was worse when I was standing and swaying through contractions. by 130pm the pain was too much so I got my epidural. by 9pm I was pushing and at 931pm my beautiful son was born!