Lonely journey.


I'm tired of the lonely journey.

I'm 31, been married for over a year and have been "not trying" for 9 months. My husband thinks we don't have sex enough.... little does he know I'm the one peeing into a cup every day to check ovulation, I'm the one sticking a thermometer up my hoo huh every morning to check temps, I'm the one peeing on pregnancy tests every month and squinting my eyes to see double lines...... I'm the one!!!! All he has to do is have a good time and get one away!

He has no idea how I'm trying!! How depressing and how lonely the journey is becoming. It's becoming a job, a task, a date in my calendar.

Every friend, family member even strangers feel free to tell me your opinion on how I'm getting older, the time is ticking,

I'm gonna be an old mum!! They don't know! They don't know my journey! I know it will happen if it's meant to.