Baby daddy is being Shady. What Would You do?


So, I will try to make this long story short. My boyfriend and I now have a really good relationship vs. 1 year ago, it wasn’t as great.

I have caught pictures and screenshots of girls, not just any model/famous person but girls that live around our area. (I don’t know them personally)

Basically our baby is now 4 months old and you would think that since I’ve caught him a couple of times and he always has a stupid excuse, that he’d stop. I have a baby with the dude.

Come on.

This morning I found a picture of some girl ass wide open showing her lady parts dressed up for some Xmas shoot. Men are men and I know he’s not just “looking” at this picture because clearly he has it saved, and I know he’s probably using it so he can get his daily pleasure on. It makes me sick.

No I have not been sexually active with him lately I’ve just been so tired and stressed from going back to work now two jobs, and on top of that he knows sex doesn’t feel great after my episiotomy from birth. I get it. I’m not doing anything sexually for him right now. But that doesn’t mean he can just go behind my back and do this shit if someone loves you enough they wouldn’t do this. We have tons of pics/videos he can reference to of me!!! If he’s gonna be jacking off to some girl then might as well. I just feel that this has happened again and I honesty feel so embarrassed and stupid. I have a baby with him and I’ve been loyal to him and work my ass off for us. Would you be upset at this? How would you handle this situation?

We all deserve respect in general but I feel that after a couple of times of me catching him with this before he would change and think differently.

How would you approach this? Thank you.