What the love of a child can do


I don’t know if anyone else is as lucky as I am, but I am so blessed to have my sons father and my fiancé get along so well. My sons father actually lives with me and my fiancé (which was my fiancé’s idea) tonight we walked over to the park cause it was nice out and took my son (who my fiancé calls his son and we refer to him as daddy also) while we were there I just sat and watched the two of them with him and I realized how lucky me and my son is. Not only is my fiancé a great father to my son but he’s also an amazing father to my daughter(to which she has started calling him daddy) she’s 7 and she has her dad but she did this on her own. I also have an amazing baby dad who isn’t freaking out because his son is being raised to call another man dad( back story is when my sone was first born we didn’t know who was the dad it was either 1 of my 2 ex’s so when my son was born I decided that I would just raise my son letting him know my fiancé as his dad till he was old enough to understand then let him know) well now I know and his dad has been around and being the best dad he can be.

Baby dad and fiance

Me and baby dad

Me and my fiance