Membrane sweep (3rd attempt)


Had my first sweep on 12/12 at 39 weeks. Lost mucous plug 2 days later. Had another sweep done 12/15 (was 1cm 50% thinned) and had my bloody show a few hours later. No contractions or pain in between. Since I’ve been walking, having sex, bouncing on the birthing ball, dancing, eating spicy food, red raspberry leaf tea, and evening primrose oil capsules! Nothing! Had 3rd sweep done today 12/19 (due date today) I progressed to 2cm but still 50% thinned. Since sweep have had cramps on and off but nothing crazy. Been bouncing on the birthing ball and dancing hoping to get things started. Induction date set for12/29 and I cried at the thought of waiting that long. I am a FTM and want this baby out!!   Any advice or positive stories of membrane sweeps working would be greatly appreciated. Feeling very defeated and discouraged!!