exhausted first time mum.

I am a helpless and extremely exhausted first time mum who no longer has any family support around me and I don't have my friends close by as I moved to London due to my husband job so please refrain from any negative comments. Please help me. What do I do??? My baby is 11 months old today. 1) He doesn't sleep through the night. I spend half the night up with him because he doesn't want to sleep. He just sits up and cries. He doesn't milk, he doesn't have a dirty nappy. I try comforting him in so many ways but he just doesn't want to go back to sleep. He keeps both me and his dad up half the night. He absolutely refused to sleep in his cot even though I have the cot literally glued to my side of the bed with the side down so that he can feel like he's close to me. He has a bath every night before bedtime but that sleep last 1 hour at the very most before he's up again. 2) he screams absolute murder in the car seat or pram. I have tried giving him his favourite toy, I gave him something to eat, I sing to him, I sit next to him at the back of the car but nothing works! He screams so badly that it is impossible to take him out. Me and my husband attempted to take him out with us for dinner a few nights ago.. He wouldn't sit in the high chair even if I gave him food or a toy. We had to take turns to eat because he wanted us to walk around with him! My husband has said we're never going out to eat again because of our baby. 3) he will only play with his toys if I am sat next to him. I can't even go to the toilet let alone have 5 minutes of peace and quiet. He doesn't have naps if he does naps naps throughout the day other than a quick 10 minute lie down. I cry most days because I have tried EVERYTHING and nothing seems to be working. I am so exhausted and I feel like I'm losing the plot. This has caused problems in my marriage because now I'm always moody and I just don't have the energy for my husband anymore. It's got do bad now that I get so frustrated at my baby that I feel like giving him a smack which I don't want to do but I'm so scared that I will one day. Now I keep wishing he wasn't born. Dont get me wrong I love him but I can't handle it anymore. He was never like this. This had been happening for the last 3 months.