Pregnancy vs work


Hey guys I have a serious question. I am 11w 2d and all of a sudden the morning sickness hit me like a truck. I was throwing up all morning at my work where I need to interact with customers. I called my mom and said I felt like I needed to go home and was going to ask someone to cover for me.

She then said "your not sick your pregnant. That doesn't mean you can go home when you don't feel well"

I was shocked! Anyone else who is throwing up into a trash can at work would go home, but I can't because l am pregnant!?

How do you guys feel about this. Also I have never thrown up at work. I have been queasy, however I am also not allowed to leave the building as I work alone at my job and need to stay on site. So I don't even have the option to go get some crackers or gingerale when I am sick.