Unexpected BFP! Still shaking!


So AF is two days late. Here I am thinking it’s on its way. I’m convinced there was no way we conceived this month. My predicted ovulation was the 5th. My husband was away for the week, starting on the 4th. We DTD the 2nd, 3rd and early before he left on the 4th. I started experiencing ovulation symptoms around the 2nd so I figured why not. I hoped that maybe the sperm would last until ovulation, since they always say it can live inside the uterus for 5 days. That following Friday, I experienced intense cramps and thought maybe it could have been implantation. The proceeding days, I experienced sore breasts and nausea. I didn’t have sore nipples (which I’ve had with every pregnancy) so I assumed my body was playing tricks on me and making me believe I was pregnant. I tested on Wednesday, the 12th, assuming I would have a VFL because I usually see something by 8 DPO. Nothing. Stark white. I told myself I wasn’t pregnant and I was okay with it. I knew it wouldn’t happen anyways. Two friends of mine told me to wait a few days so I decided on Friday I’d test again. Still nothing. I was even more convinced I was out this cycle. But I was still experiencing symptoms. But cramping and sore breasts started up. And my CM was still creamy, before my period I usually dry up. I was upset that I allowed myself to read into my symptoms. I decided I wouldn’t test again unless my period was actually late. Come yesterday, no period. I didn’t feel like wasting a test so I didn’t. Today, my friend thought I was crazy for not trying to test when my period was two days late. She told me to just try with a cheapie. So I did, and as the second line was forming I thought “that’s a really bad indent” and then I realized it was getting color before the 2 minute mark. I immediately started shaking and whispering “No way!” to myself. So I broke out the FRER and sure enough that line showed up in a minute. I decided to use the digital while I still had my urine ready. I thought maybe it wasn’t going to read positive because the lines weren’t dark so maybe it’s still too early. But sure enough it read “YES.” I broke into tears, and jumped up and down!

It took almost a year to get pregnant with our first. I was already preparing for many months of TTC our second child. With my husband being away while I was ovulating, him and I were both convinced our first official month of TTC would be a complete flop. I cannot believe we managed to get a BFP on the first try. I’m in shock! How did I get so luck?! How did this happen?! I had already accepted I was out this month. I didn’t even stress to test. Other people convinced me to test. Heck, my husband is the one who bought the tests. And here I am, staring at three BFPs! THANK GOODNESS!

Now I get to surprise my husband with the news! A good friend of ours made a Star Wars “announcement” type video for me to show my husband. My husband is a big Star Wars fan! I wanted to have it by the time the new movie came out, but I was unable to get a positive last week. Oh well! I’m so grateful I can even do it this month! I’m so nervous to tell my husband! I think I’m going to tell him tonight!

I wasn’t going to make a post about my BFP, but I can’t tell anyone else (aside from the friends who convinced me to test), so I wanted to tell someone! Maybe share my experience to give other ladies some hope! You don’t have to DTD on the exact day you ovulate to get pregnant!