Saggy Skin but pregnant


So I am 12 weeks and have managed to not gain weight yet. I am 5’4” and started at about 182lbs. Basically, I am loosing fat but not pounds right now. I am fine with this because I am trying to only gain 15-20lbs during the pregnancy.

My issue is that I don’t so much have a baby bump. I have a pouch of fat/loose skin that you get went you start loosing weight. This pouch is starting to get pushed out with the expanding uterus.

However, the skin is heavy and uncomfortable. I can fold it into work pants or hide it in a dress, but that doesn’t help with gravity pulling on it.

Does anyone have suggestions? I am not ready for maternity pants yet. (I lost 10lbs before becoming pregnant so I have “roomy” pants.) I can’t wear yoga pants or leggings to work and I have to walk a lot sometimes. I could wear scrubs but the pants tend to have less structure and support than slacks do.

Is anyone else dealing with this? The only thing I could find on google was about post-partum.