They took Charlie to the special care nursery and I’m losing it

Liz • 37, trying for baby #2! 5 m/c, 1 d&c. 1 ectopic. One perfect almost 2 year old son who is my world.

Baby Charlie was born this morning via C-section at 41 weeks weighing in at a whopping 10lbs 4oz and looking good. He ate well and slept well throughout the day but around 7pm started fussing pretty bad and his breathing became very fast. He had been running a fairly high body temp since birth 99-100.2 but nobody had seemed very concerned about that until his breathing changed. They decided to take him to the special care nursery for tests and observation and he may spend the night without me up there. I feel gutted. I don’t want to be without my baby for his first night on earth. Please say a prayer for my big little baby.