If I have regular periods every month, how likely is it that I have PCOS?

Nicole • Mummy of 3💙💙💗 #4 due October💗

To explain a little bit more.. I had a pelvic scan and it showed that I have multiple small cysts on my ovaries. I have been trying to conceive for 7 months without any luck. 2 cycles ago I came on 9 days late which I now think was because of the cysts. That was the one irregular period I’ve had though. Ever since I’ve been regular again. I’m wondering if I have PCOS and that’s the reason I’m not getting pregnant. But I heard you have very irregular or non existent periods with that. What’s the chances? I’m waiting on my appointment with a gynaecologist who will probably do more tests but I need to put my mind at rest a little if possible. Thanks x

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