Birthing story


It started around 930pm Dec 15, which is a Friday. I had this random contraction that I felt in my back. Immediately I had to go to the rest room with soft poop. the contractions didn’t stop from that point on. They came every 10 mins roughly until my water broke. I went to the hospital Saturday night after dealing with it all day. The contractions hurt in my left butt cheek and I never heard anyone complain of it so I thought I pulled a muscle or something didn’t expect I was in labor because the pain wasn’t getting worst and the contractions wasn’t coming close together like my doctor said. He told me to go the hospital when they are 5 mins apart so I tried to wait. Everyone convinced me to go in so I did Saturday at 9pm and was back home not dilated and with some meds to help me sleep. Which I barely did but I was so tired from the meds I woke up every contraction but I couldn’t stay up. eventually it hurted even when I wasn’t having a contraction so i woke up more often. I felt the need to throw up right at around 5am I ran to the restroom threw up and peed on myself at the same time. I felt like I still needed to pee so I sat on the toilet and peed a little. I was still sitting there when I felt a small pop like a bubble had burst and it was a gush of liquid I thought it was pee until I wiped and it was blood. At this point I’m freaking out because nobody said anything about blood I woke my partner up he was trying not to go back to the hospital but clearly he didn’t have a choice. Bout time I got to the hospital which is 15 mins away my contractions started to feel like I needed to push so I’m really freaking out because I know I’m not suppose to until the doctor say it’s time. So now I have to squeeze the baby back in me nearly during each contraction which felt like trying to push poop back in there and it hurt like hell. The same doctors that sent me home was like “is everything ok Ms. Brown we weren’t expecting you back?” They checks me and begin laughing said “she is 7 cm this baby is coming fast you may not need it but do you want meds” I said yes because I didn’t know how bad pushing would hurt. at this point I was in pain but mainly from not pushing during the contractions. I got the epidural and calm down and told the nurse I had to push. I pushed for about 20 mins she looked and had this scared look on her face. She said “I need you to stop” my heart dropped she said “I can’t deliver your back I have to call the doctor” 🤦🏾‍♀️ somebody is going to deliver him because I feel his head nearly hanging out at this point. So about time the doctor came he had went back in and I had to do it all over again. I was so calm and annoyed by everyone talking to me at this point I didn’t even care. Like they was so freaking annoying why couldn’t they ask his dad these lil dumb questions. 7:33am I had him on my chest and I was crying for the first time. Like holy crap this is a baby.. THIS IS MY BABY!!! Baby Khari was 8lbs 7oz.. he cried every time someone other than me or dad touched him for the first day lol he gets that from me. He has had me running every sense. I’ll do it all again for him but not to have a second baby lol I know I suppose to be fruitful and multiply but no thank you God