Am I wrong ?

Hello ladies I normally don’t do this but I’m the type of person who doesn’t go to her friends for relationship advice and keeps everything bottled up inside. I’m currently 29 weeks pregnant and live with my boyfriend of over a year. I love him really do and I’m partly to blame because since day one of our relationship I’ve spoiled him with love, attention, gifts, anything he wants done it’s done immediately no hesitation. When it comes to me I don’t get the same in return. It’s not that he’s rude he says he isn’t an emotional person he doesn’t show love and affection the way I do which is true he isn’t this way with anyone not his mom dad nieces or siblings. I’ve taken it and Just to adjust and just ask for attention when I want it or ask for extra kisses if needed. He can go all day without texting or calling I have to ask multiple times to get cuddled or showered with kisses

Now he is 4 years younger than me and I always told myself never to date younger but I couldn’t help falling for him at the beginning he was super sweet attentive made me feel great! In his words that’s the honeymoon phase and it passes (which I know is BULL SHIT if you love someone) he recently turned 21 so now he’s going out more and drinking more and going out with his boys I’m always alone in our apartment he comes home at 1.2.3 one time 4-5 in the morning. Or he will go to his moms house straight work and be there for hours

I get it your young your a guy you can legally drink cook have fun I’m not no ones mother but I’m pregnant with your child home alone 80% of the time I don’t feel special to him and when I bring it up he says It’s annoying that I don’t think he cares and he’s just doesn’t want to be bored

I don’t say anything often and Just will go to sleep and he’ll wake up when he comes home to let me know he’s in safely

I don’t care if he were to go out sometimes or at least have days for just me and him but we don’t we never do nothing together. Last night I asked him to go out to dinner and he was on his phone most of the night

I know he is going to be an amazing dad and he’s super excited but I feel like I’m the one who isn’t getting treated as I should. I don’t compare my relationship to anyone but to see what everyone’s msn does for them on this app sometimes is sad cause I get none of it I do everything myself

Am I just being hormonal????

Is Being out 4-5 times okay ???

I also don’t want him to be miserable sitting at home with me

I just want to be happy 😔 in a loving relationship getting ready to welcome our child !