Desperate for sleep!


I have a 5 week old so obviously I haven’t been sleeping well. However the past week I’ve maybe slept 10-12 hours max. It’s hard for me to sleep during the day or when the baby sleeps unless he’s asleep at night which let’s be honest gives me an average of 2 hours a night. I’m not working yet and I’m with the baby all day cause his father works. Usually I let his dad sleep at night cause he has to be up early for work but now I’m beginning to get run down I had 101 fever the other night and my depression returned and I think it’s related to the lack of sleep. My boyfriend gets mad if I don’t nap during the day cause that means I’ll be cranky and depressed.. well sorry but he doesn’t offer to take any night feedings. Today he asks me if I can let him sleep this weekend cause it’s a busy time at his store.. I always let him sleep! The guy never gets up in the night to feed the baby! I said fine but in the back of my head I’m thinking holy mother of god if I don’t get a few extra minutes of shut eye I’m going to scream. How should I approach the situation?