Dear boyfriend ❤️

Dear boyfriend,

I love you very much. We’ve been dating for about a year and seven months. I fell in love with your sense in humor and your dimples. It was amazing dating you for the first year. You’d make me laugh and always put a smile on my face. You’d compliment me and tell me you loved me. Until a month after our first year... For six months you’ve ignored me. Six! All those six months were spent with tears and fake smiles. I couldn’t eat and sleep. I was broken without you. Praying for a call or text back. I cried a river for you every single day. I cried in school once and I never cry in school. I lost my motivation to do my work and started failing. I was devastated. I thought you just broke up with me and you weren’t man enough to do it in person. Then, I confronted you. You told me you had problems going on at home and you didn’t want me to get involved with them. It makes sense though. You’ve had problems at home for years. I still can’t help but not believe it. You said we’re still dating. I walked away and the next day I told your best friend to text me when you get home. And so you did, you wrote me a three sentence paragraph explaining how sorry you were. You told me that you are sorry for making me think we weren’t dating anymore. It all sounds like an excuse but I still forgave you because I love you so much. To this day I think that I forgave you too easily. You caused me so much pain and stress. What you did was wrong and I’m sure you know it. Why couldn’t you tell me you needed space? We started talking again. I was starting to become happy again. I’ve almost forgotten the feeling. Sometimes I feel you don’t love me. I feel as if your pretending to love me so you don’t hurt my feelings. That’s just me over thinking though. I over think about everything. You take long to answer my texts back but it’s fine. We’re on good terms right now. You say you’re sad because your parents keep arguing. But I’m here for you. I love you so much. And I hope you don’t leave me like that again. I hope to spend forever with you.

- V ❤️