induced tomorrow morning


so tomorrow morning I'm being induced basically against my will as I'm currently 5 days overdue. I know there's different methods of induction but will they let me pick which one? last week I was already at 3 cm dialated and 50% effaced and I've been still cramping but I don't want any pessarys or catheters as induction. I just want them to get straight to the point and break my water and the pitocin if breaking my water doesn't work. do you think they'll give me a hard time about it? my whole birth plan has already gone out the window and I'm really angry about it.

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They cannot force you into an induction. If you don’t want to do it don’t show up.


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Since you are already at a 3, with my hospital the only next steps are pitocin and breaking your water. Just tell them right when you get there. The only catheter I had in at that point was the IV for pitocin. Once I had to get the epidural and c section, then I had a urine catheter and it was definitely not bad since they put it in once you're numb and then it doesn't hurt coming out


Posted at
I would ask for exactly that. I went in Tuesday after contracting for over 12 hours at 6-7 minutes. They started pitocin. Broke my water and things moved quickly. I was 3cm when the decided to move things along. Good luck. It was a hard but awarding adventure.


Sa • Dec 23, 2017
I also had a birth plan to go naturally and no drugs. Yeah. That didn’t happen. 27 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing with my babies head wedged in my pelvic bone. Sure glad I choose the drugs. Lol!! Even if my epidural fell out 1.5 hours before I delivered.