Daina • 25. Married 10/29/17, Pregnant with Baby #1

Hi ladies, so me and my husband are 25 and decided we wanted to start trying to get pregnant. All i have ever wanted was to be a mother. I am the only one in my family of 6 who doesn’t have at least one child. THE BABY FEVER IS REAL!!!!!

Now we both have a good paying job but even though we have a good job we are just making ends meet with just a little wiggle room. We know that with prayer and hand me downs we would be able to get everything we need for baby with little to no cost however my concern in paying for daycare 4 days a week...

We want to have at least 3 children and don’t really want to wait long to have our first... i know some of you may say to wait until we have more money but my real question is...

Have any of you been in similar situations where money is tight by you decided to try and have a baby anyway and just “make it work”? And how is that working out?

Sincerely, desperately wanting a baby.