Painful period after Clomid?


My period unfortunately decided to show up with a fury last night before bed... I tried not to get my hopes up because this was only the first round but I’d be lying if I said I’m not very disappointed 😩... anyway my periods have always been very light but this time it’s HEAVY with some clots and the worst cramps I’ve ever had, so much so I struggled sleeping last night... Merry Christmas to me 🙄☹️! I’m assuming the drastic change in my flo and level of cramps is due to the Clomid and change in hormones, but can someone please calm my nerves and say they’ve had a similar experience?

Side note: because AF decided to show her ugly face over the holiday weekend I can’t call my Dr. until Tuesday which will already be cycle day 4 (this cycle I took Clomid 3-7) and I’ll be out of state visiting family until after the first of the year so not sure how she would be able to prescribe it for me? has anyone had success skipping a month between Clomid cycles before?

Ugh! So annoyed and so uncomfortable