Have you ever had a broken bone/stitches?


I can't believe I've made this far into life and have not had one broken bone nor have I ever had to have stitches. I was always active. I went swimming, went to the lake and "tubed" and learned the knee board. played soccer and softball. I went zip lining and rock climbing. I rode bikes, had trampolines that I jumped on.

I mean I can't say I've NEVER had broken a bone.

🤦🏻‍♀️ I Hopped right onto my bed and my ankle landed on the remote and it hurt so bad. And it just kept hurting for days so I went and got an x-ray and it was a small fracture that healed on its own.

Only me, I can be active in all those ways and the first time I ever hurt a bone is by hopping into my bed.

The worst thing ive ever had was a burn that I got from the exhaust pipe of a motorcycle. I'm short AF and slipped when I tried to get off. I couldn't even walk I had to be carried because everytime I walked the burned skin stretched. It burned a deep hole the size of my fist in my leg. People I didn't even know would ask me wtf this huge brutal scar was.

Yikes. It healed in a freakish way and there's no scar. But dr banned me from tanning beds due to higher risk of skin cancer.

That's really about it and I'm curious as to if I'm the only one who hasn't experienced this somewhat normal part of life.

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