My husband got the call


In February, my husband and I made the decision that he should apply to be an officer in the Air Force. There’s been a lot of “hurry up and wait” since we made that decision and it’s been hard to stay patient.

We were supposed to hear in August whether he got in or not and then it was changed to September... and then November...and then December.

I would have bet money that they were going to push it back again, after the new year. BUT last Wednesday we still hadn’t heard anything about them changing the date again so we were staying cautiously optimistic.

So, we were in the middle of our 12 hour drive home Thursday, when my husband’s recruiter posted on their Facebook group that he had the list of who they were going to offer positions to (31 out of 54), and that he was about to start making phone calls.

I asked my husband how long ago he had posted that and he said an hour.

I know that that’s not long but I am such an impatient person and I started to panic a little inside. I started telling him “Its alright, they could be going in alphabetical or by first name, or last name. Or they could be calling in order of where the applicants live or when they turned in their packet!”

And then we started listening to our audio book to try and think about something else. So I was driving and trying to figure out in my head how long it would take him to make 30 phone calls (assuming there was a chance my husband was the last one he called) and how long they might last and how many hours of waiting that might be when his phone rang and it was his recruiter.

They said their greetings and the recruiter asked my husband how he thought he did and my husband said he’s been trying not to dwell on it and just wait patiently and his recruiter liked that response. And then he said “I just have one question for you, what was your number one pick?” And my husband replied pilot and the recruiter said “Congratulations”. My husband looked at me and asked him if he was serious and I’m over here driving like

And trying not to scream since he’s still on the phone and our girls are asleep. The call ended with him telling my husband to celebrate with his family and we’ll be hearing back from him after the new year. I’m in total shock but so excited for what the future holds for us!

I just wanted to post on here and share my excitement because we haven’t told his parents anything yet and he won’t put in his notice at work until about a month before he leaves for OTS.