birth plan out the window, how do you feel?


any other first time December mom's have one plan in mind and have things go so completely different? how are you feeling about it? with just about every step of this process since labor began, all the way to know, 2 and half days pp, everything I thought I knew has changed or gone the complete opposite. but I still wouldn't change a thing. I have wanted a natural birth since I found out I was pregnant. I read all the books I could, took classes, and was never fearing the labor process. if anything the fear the of an epidural was more terrifying than anything. most of all I really wanted a vaginal birth though. I knew that it was very likely I would make it to a point and have the pain be far more intense than I could handle, but I wanted to avoid as many interventions as I could so I could avoid a c-section. well once we hit the hosptial everything changed. I started having a panic attack that spiraled and I could not breath or talk my way out of it. 4 hrs in I knew the epidural would be the only way I could calm down and be any bit of present in the process. thank god I did, because in labored 27 hours. then as I was getting ready and anticipating starting to push, just waiting to hear that I had finally made the 10cm, everything changed again. Baby was clearly not happy. I wasn't progressing at a good rate. and if we continued at that the pace we were baby may not be able to make it. So c-section was quickly becoming the only option. Once I heard that my mind completely changed about anything in my plan. All I cared about was keeping baby as safe as possible, and her comfort was far more important than mine could ever be. So c-section it was, and I wouldn't change a thing. It was perfect and magically all the same, because it ended with the most beautiful baby girl in the entire world.