Boyfriend trouble😪

My boyfriend and I have been dating a year now. At the beginning of our relationship I was best friends with this one girl her name was Alyssa. Alyssa also had a crush on him but I did not know that at the time. Anyways I started dating him and things were good but he was way to close to Alyssa and they would talk about everything eventually Alyssa and I stopped being friends but for different reasons anyways my boyfriend continued to talk to her which I didn’t care until they were super close and talked to her about everything instead of me and pushed me away and lied to me about going to her house but it was with other people to but it still pissed me tf off.. anyways after talking a long time we figured our shit out and things were amazing and it has been but when he got me a promise ring he got me a blue one.. which doesn’t seem like a big problem but it just bothers me because her favorite color was blue. Anyways he’s into some of the things she was and he went to go see starwars and that bothered me too because that was her favorite movie. Recently Alyssa has reached out to my boyfriend saying she loves him and all this stuff but my boyfriend said I’m staying loyal to me and blocked her anyways I guess what I’m saying is I’m super paranoid about her and ugh. I just need someone to rant to sometimes and all my friends are way too judgmental