Should I be happy ?

So today I got home from work and realized that I had been a week late for my period so I went to go buy a test . Took the test and it came out positive . At the time I felt a little sad because I just had my daughter on feb this year so she's 10months. I told myself I wanted to wait till my daughter was at least 4 or 5 to have my second but idk how I ended up pregnant again . I got so scared that I went to go buy more test and all of them have came back positive . I want to be happy so bad but I know that once my family finds out they will talk so much about me . I honestly don't think they will be supportive since I just had my baby . I'm so scarred about how difficult it's going to be trying to handle two babies at one . I want o be excited because every baby is a blessing but idk how too feel 😔 is anyone else having the same situation ? Some advice would be great from anyone please