Scary dream of death in the family


It's 3:39am as I'm typing this. I had such a vivid dream of my mother dying on a Monday at 8:48pm the day after I take her out for a haircut. Tomorrow I'm taking her out for a haircut...

I spent yesterday calling places to schedule an appointment so I'm excited to go with her today after work.

This dream scares me and of course opened a wound in my heart: my sister (age 44) committed suicide last year on 12/10. I had a difficult time with her death but her death encouraged me to switch careers (from IT to Human Service, doing what I really love now). Still, losing her broke my heart.

I guess my dream scared me. I want to spend more time with my parents now 🙄😢. Guess I'm still grieving. And recently my friend's grandma passed away, so maybe that triggered it.

Anyone had crazy dreams like this?