check this out i think its a sign

Brenda • Christian Wife & Mother Of 2 Dragons 👱🏻‍♀️👧🏼

so back in October my husband and i really wanted to try and have a baby we've been trying but no really putting in a lot of effort so back to my story but bought preseed and prenatal vitamins and i was tracking my ovulation so my a lady and her husband came over to my house to buy a car that my in laws were selling and the lady seen me but we didnt talk and half an hour later she asked my MIL if she could tell me what God has told her to tell me and and she came up to me and told me that "God has caught every tear that i have ever cried and heare every prayer I've ever said and now he's going to give me what my heart truly wants and that he is going to send my double blessing" so i started crying tears of joy or fast forward 2 weeks on November 1 i found out i was pregnant and i miscarried shortly after i got pregnant again a week later and found out on December 7th and 3 days later i miscarried again 😞 so now i was told to wait at least a month before trying again and well im in my fertile window confirmed with opk. and i BD last night unprotected with preseed now im scared if i do happen to get pregnant ill lose this one to (i know if your scared dont do it. It was a moment of weakness ok) so today i found this

2 baby bell peppers inside the big bell pepper and call me crazy but i thought i was gonna get pregnant with twins..i dont know what to think anymore lol i guess its all on God's timeing and im going to have to respect that and just wait for my rainbow after the storm...thank you for taking the time to read this ladies baby dust to all you TTCers