Ready to Quit Breastfeeding

Kailyn • Navy wife + mom of 2

I feel so awful even posting this or feeling this way. All I wanted was to breastfeed. I’ve been so blessed to have had such an easy 5 weeks Breastfeeding in the sense that my son latches great, eats well, we’ve had no issues together learning this new skill. I wasn’t able to breastfeed my daughter due to medical reasons on her side so this was really important to me.

But here I am - posting this because I’m exhausted. I’ve had a head splitting migraine for 2 days now that will not go away no matter what I do. My son barely makes it two hours between feeds if I’m lucky. I’m so tired. I don’t have patience with my three year old. I feel so bad. I need sleep.

Every time I give my husband a bottle of pumped milk (I’ve tried this 3 times) so I can get some sleep he still brings the baby to me within an hour. I feel like such a failure but I seriously need 3 consecutive hours of sleep.

How do you switch a baby from breastmilk to formula?