

my husband and I have been trying to concieve for three months now. I was on birth control for 10 years and I only just now got off of it three months ago. for 3 years I was on the depo shot and for 7 I was on the pill. have anyone had trouble getting pregnant after being on the shot? Also, my husband, when he was in 6th grade found out he might have testicular cancer. So they removed one

of his testicles without doing any chemo or radiation. I was wondering if anyone on here has a husband or boyfriend that has had testicular cancer and if they have gotten pregnant. I know we are newly trying and three months isn't that long but I just want to be reassured... I forgot to tell my doctor about my husband when I was at my last doctors appointment to see what she had to say and I don't have another appointment with her until next month. I am supposed to ovulate twice this month so please send good vibes and prayers to us!