Words of encouragement needed, please!


Hello Ladies,

Husband and I have been TTC baby #1 for about 5 years (as long as we’ve been married) on and off and actively trying this past year. We were really hoping this was our year. I’m turning 37 in a few days and Husband is 41. I know there are others who may be in the same boat or been trying longer but I can’t help but wonder if it’s in the cards for us. In other words, I’m beginning to lose hope that I’ll ever be a Mom. I’ve been wanting this for so long. For those Ladies who are trying, what keeps you going? How do you make this process less painful? I find myself in tears every time I think about it, which is quite often. It’s so difficult not to have it on your mind and the negativity that comes with it. I really do try to stay positive and have faith that it’ll all work out one way or another. Any words of encouragement would greatly be appreciated. Merry Christmas to all!