My best friend dislikes my man?

So I’ve been seeing this guy for around 2 months now and The feels have started kicking in

So I thought he could meet my best friend since they haven’t officially met yet so I asked him to hang out with us one night. Well I was excited and everything and I was Snapchatting him these funny videos of us just being dumb in my car and he sent back a snap like making fun of us (playfully, we joke around with each other all the time because we’ve known each other for a while and were friends for a while) and she got really pissed? I was really confused because she usually can take jokes and she’s not that type of person who gets mad over little things. So I was just like

And he apologized several times but she didn’t change her mind. So then she starts saying that I better not pick him up and if I do she’s just going to ignore him the whole time and not say a word so I just cancelled the plans because I didn’t want him to be stuck in that awkward position. I started asking why she got mad over something so dumb and she was like “I’ve been in this type of relationship and if someone made fun of you, you know you’d be mad too” but I wouldn’t be mad, I have a great sense of humor and she knows that! She then said that in he relationship she was “too blind to see at the time” and that maybe I am too???

I don’t think I’m blinded rn😂he’s a great guy and he treats me like no one has ever treated me before. Everyone else loves him and they think he’s hilarious, except for my best friend. It really upsets me because I want her to like him so badly. I’ve never liked any of her boyfriends but I’ve always supported her and got along with them so I wouldn’t come off as rude.