feeling of giving up completely


My fiance and myself have been trying for almost 7 years to have just 1 baby...just 1......but here lately I keep myself up at night crying because I feel like I should give up.....but now I just want to give up even more....I received news that my baby brother and his fiance are pregnant and possible having twins and this is his first child(ren).....then finding out same night that my best friend is also having a baby as well.....and I'm happy for both of them but I'm also sad that why is it so easy for everyone around me to get pregnant and for me it's like I'm broken.....I feel less of a woman because I can't start a family with the love of my life. Everyone keeps telling me "oh quit trying and you'll become pregnant", "it'll happen when it happens don't worry about it", "you need to be married first that's why you can't get pregnant because the Lord is watching and knows you don't need a child until your pregnant." There are more comments but I just don't know if I should try anymore just completely give up I'm almost 30 years old and the doctor stated if I don't have children by the time I'm 30 I have to get fixed because of me having pcos. sorry for venting I can't do this at home because I try to act like it doesn't bother me and I try to act strong. thanks to whom ever reads this .